The Midwife and the Baker


The Midwife and the Baker is a family owned bakery in Mountain View, California. They mill their own flour at the bakery and deliver the highest quality breads available on the market.

Read more about the Midwife and the Baker here.


Shop their breads now

Shop their breads

Sesame whole wheat sours from our oven to your mouth 😋. See you all tomorrow at #fortmasonfarmersmarket #mountainviewfarmersmarket #temescalfarmersmarket #wholegrain #freshmilled #naturallyleavened


One of our personal favorites 😍. Our rye sour. 70% whole rye 30% whole spelt. Eaten at home with salsa verde, sardines, sauerkraut, and avocado 😋. #howdoyoueatyours #wholegrains #freshmilled #naturallyleavened