Meet a Buffalo: Kevin Arrellano
We recently sat down with some of our delivery partners to find out what they enjoy most about working with Buffalo Market.
Read on to learn more about what it means to be a Buffalo!
Kevin Arrellano
Delivery Partner in Southern California
Favorite Buffalo Brands: Inked Bread Co. and Moloko Ice Cream
Can you tell us how your experience with Buffalo Market compares to some of your previous jobs?
The biggest difference between my last job and this one is how energetic I feel. I wake up with tons of energy hoping I get to see my coworkers. You can sense that everyone really supports each other. In my previous jobs, there was a lot of miscommunication. It caused a lot of problems and created unnecessary tension between people.
I also enjoy the flexibility. I used to go in from eight in the morning to five. By the time I got home, I really just had a few hours to eat food and enjoy time with my partner. Working at Buffalo Market, I usually start around six and am done before three in the afternoon, which gives me the rest of the day for spare time.
It helps that I get to plan out my routes the day before, which saves me a lot of time on the road.
What is your favorite thing about working with Buffalo Market?
When I started working at Buffalo Market, I noticed right away that it was more of a community. Every day I come into work at the Burbank Warehouse, I say, “Good morning. Have a good day!” It doesn’t even feel like work sometimes. Even the days that do feel like work, I get to enjoy.
Another great thing about being on the Buffalo Market team is how fast it’s rising. You can feel this kind of excitement like the building of an empire or something. I’ve never seen a company grow like this and I can tell it’s going to be big.
Could you share one of your favorite memories or experiences on the job?
One of my best experiences on the job was when I first started getting to know the receivers at the stores I visit. I told them I was new on the delivery team and they welcomed me and introduced me to everyone. It felt good because it was like being part of a team that I didn’t even work on.
You get to meet a lot of different people and learn from them and develop communication skills along the way.
You wake up, go to work, and get to learn from everyone you meet.
What would you say to someone who was considering a partnership with Buffalo Market?
To someone considering working with Buffalo Market, I would say to hurry and partner up. This company is booming. It’s really honestly booming.
Even in just the time I’ve been here. I used to deliver just a couple of brands. Now we handle a whole lot more. It’s amazing to see the progress in your partnership with the company and some of the other companies as well.
So, I would say that now would be the time to apply. Right now. As a lot of us say, the empire is just barely coming up.